Trestolone Acetate: History, Benefits, Dosage, and Possible Side Effects

Trestolone acetate is a synthetic injectable anabolic-androgenic steroid and a derivative of nandrolone. Trestolone acetate may sound new for newbies bodybuilders, but it is an old steroid that is crawling its way back into the limelight due to its impressive benefit for bodybuilding. Some studies even suggest Trestolone acetate is ten times more effective than testosterone.

Trestolone acetate is an interesting compound, particularly for those interested in bulk bodybuilding. Below is everything you need to know about this old compound making new waves among fitness enthusiasts.

History of Trestolone Acetate

Trestolone acetate was first developed in the 1960s to treat muscle wasting primarily. The company that originally developed the compound also intends to explore the compound for male birth control and hormonal replacement therapy (HRT). However, further investigation suggests that the compound is more effective for muscle-building processes.

Trestolone Acetate Dosage

Trestolone acetate dosage is crucial to its effects and overall results. The injectable super-effective compound needs to be taken with extreme caution to maximize benefits and lower possible side effects.
Newbies to Trestolone acetate and anabolic steroids generally can start with a mild dose of 50 to 100 mg per week. More experienced users can step up the dose to 200mg per week to achieve the desired result. Advanced users can take up to 300mg per week.
However, It is usually not advisable to dose Trestolone acetate above 300mg per week because its effect is generally hard and fast. Therefore, it is often advisable to undertake a basic testosterone and ostarine cycle before using this compound.

Benefits of Trestolone Acetate

Trestolone acetate is becoming increasingly popular in the bodybuilding world for its effectiveness and massive benefits. Some of the benefits of Trestolone acetate include:

  • Rapid bulking of lean muscle mass
  • Quick and effective shred of fats
  • Drastic increase in strength, stamina, and endurance
  • Highly anabolic compound for reduced side effects

It is best to take Trestolone acetate in the appropriate dosage without rushing for optimal benefits and desirable results. Factors like present health, amount of existing body fat, prior exposure to anabolic steroids, diet, and workout routine can also influence the possible outcome from Trestolone acetate.

Potential Side Effects of Trestolone Acetate

It might be challenging to pinpoint the exact side effects of Trestolone acetate, especially when dosed appropriately. However, certain adverse effects are observable during the cycling of Trestolone acetate. These side effects include:

  • Diarrhea and stomach upset
  • Heart Burn
  • Back Acne
  • Night Sweats
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea

The adverse effects of Trestolone acetate sound unpleasant and can be avoided by appropriately dosing the compound. Also, cycling with Arimidex can help to lower the possibility of these side effects.


Trestolone acetate is a potent anabolic steroid valuable for bodybuilding and other fitness purpose. However, dosing the compound appropriately is crucial for achieving desirable results. Also, it is essential to note that Trestolone acetate is strictly regulated in certain regions. Do well to check the legal status and regulatory laws guiding Trestolone acetate in your location before purchase.

Gibson Mathis

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