Beginner’s Guide For Pokemon Go Game

Pokémon GO, one of the top augmented reality apps from Niantic and a contender for the best Android games, is still very popular. Even though the app has been available since 2016, we continue to receive updates that bring the brand up to date with new Pokémon, features, and events. There is plenty of motivation to keep the app going strong for new and returning trainers even years after its debut because the game has impressively generated over $6 billion since its start. You shouldn’t be unfamiliar with all the Game Freak spin-offs and new game releases, however it can be challenging to remember which generation of Pokémon are included in each. Thank goodness, Pokémon GO is always adding new and older generations to the game. Pokémon GO is still the only game that allows us to use our favorite Android wireless headphones to connect to the app while taking a picturesque walk with our Pokémon buddies. So even if Pokémon GO was released years ago, it’s never too late to start playing.

Expect a little learning curve whether you are a returning player or new to Pokémon GO. It can be difficult to know where to start because of the game’s startling build-up of information and features. For this reason, Android Police has put together a beginner’s guide to Pokémon GO spoofing app that covers the game’s basics, crucial advice, and practical how-tos.

Getting a wild Pokémon

Pokémon spawn around your in-game avatar as soon as you open the program. Walking and burning incense both trigger the appearance of other Pokémon in the area. By touching on the desired Pokémon, you can capture any nearby Pokémon.

In contrast to earlier Pokémon games, catching a wild Pokémon in Pokémon GO is a little different. The possibilities of catching a wild Pokémon are no longer increased by sending out your Pokémon to lower its health. Instead, your throwing style, the items you employ, and the Pokéball you select all affect how well you catch. If the friendship level of your chosen companion is high enough, they might also sporadically pitch in to help you catch wild Pokémon!

When the transition fight screen appears, tap on a nearby wild Pokémon to capture it. Choose your Pokéball, then throw it straight or curvy at a wild Pokémon with your finger (you’ll see a circle; try to strike inside it).

How to improve your chances of catching a wild Pokémon

Berries can improve your chances of catching a wild Pokémon. Begin by tapping on a berry after choosing the type of fruit (berries are on the left side of the screen). There are various sorts of berries:

The Pokémon will stop moving on your screen when you eat nanab berries, which resemble bananas. This will make it simpler to aim your Pokéball.

Razz berries, which resemble raspberries, raise the likelihood that the Pokémon will remain in your ball. The Golden Razz berries are the most potent variety of Razz berries, but they are considerably more difficult to get. We advise keeping those for Pokémon raids when legendaries can be caught.

When you catch a wild Pokémon, pinap berries, which resemble pineapples, quadruple the amount of candy you receive. Silver Pinap berries boost the amount of candy gained but are significantly more difficult to find.

Use Razz and Nanab berries to help with your catching. One berry can only be used at a time until you have used all of your attempts with that berry status. While Razz berries are generally useful to catch any Pokémon, choosing them is for wild Pokémon that are more boisterous in moving around the screen, such shadow Pokémon.

The other way to improve your chances is to get better at throwing Pokéballs. Your throw may land in one of three spots, depending on how you deal with the Pokémon’s hitbox. The various throws and approaches are described below:

Nice throws are the most forgiving and simple to perfect because your throw’s hitbox aligns with the largest hitbox.

Great throws: In relation to the hitbox of the Pokémon, aligns with a medium circle throw. The second-easiest throw and the one that lands the most frequently in intermediate-level play.

Excellent throws have the smallest circle in relation to the Pokémon’s hitbox, making them the hardest to land. You can consistently land great throws on Pokémon with bigger hitboxes, but it takes a lot of practice. Overall though, timing could use a little bit of luck.

Using curveball throws is a crucial modification for your throwing techniques. Your chances of catching a Pokémon will be considerably improved by landing curveball throws. You can curveball throw any of the three throw types, but to dramatically increase your chances, we advise learning pleasant and wonderful curveball throws consistently rather than trying to land an exceptional curveball throw. For even better odds, don’t be afraid to utilize a Razz berry while performing!

Spin your Pokéball on the screen and wait for the size of the circle to line up with the Pokémon’s hitbox to start getting the hang of curveball throws. Practice throwing nice and fantastic curveballs with Pokémon that have bigger hitboxes.

Gyms and PokéStops

Players go to PokéStops to obtain free goods. Wait five real-time minutes after spinning for objects at a stop before spinning again. If you have a lot of free time, you can continue this indefinitely! Plan park excursions and locate your business adjacent to a PokéStop. At a PokéStop, lure modules can be installed to draw wild Pokémon for a 30-minute period.

Prizes awarded by spinning PokéStops:

  • Berries
  • Eggs
  • field studies
  • Pokéballs
  • Potions
  • Stamps
  • Revives

How to turn a PokéStop around

Locate a PokéStop close by. To interact, your avatar’s circle radius must be close to the PokéStop.

While using the app, tap the PokéStop icon on your map.

To make the photo disk appear to rotate, choose it and swipe in one way. Continue until objects appear.

By tapping on your screen, collect stuff.

After being utilized, the PokéStop turns purple, and when it’s ready for another spin, it turns blue.

Re: Gyms

After achieving trainer level 5, players can also visit gyms, which are similar to PokéStops. You can spin and participate in gym bouts while you’re at a gym. In essence, putting your Pokémon in a Gym will earn you PokéCoins. You can only accomplish this if your faction has adequate room or if you defeat the Pokémon of the rival side to seize control of the Gym. In times, unusual events known as “raids” can occur at a gym; during a raid, all gym activities are suspended. When an egg appears over the Gym, a raid is ready to begin.

You get PokéCoins for your account by letting your Pokémon guard the Gym. PokéCoins, which Niantic uses as the in-game currency and which may be bought with real money, are optional. Six PokéCoins can be earned per hour, or 50 PokéCoins per day. The daily limit of 50 PokéCoins means that even if you took three Pokémon to three different gyms and they all came back on the same day, you wouldn’t receive 150 PokéCoins.

How to spend your coins

As indicated earlier, the amount of PokéCoins you accumulate in Pokémon GO will depend on how frequently you visit adjacent Gyms and whether or not your alliance has already filled those Gyms to capacity. You are unable to add more Pokémon once the gym reaches its maximum capacity if your alliance controls it. However, due to Pokémon GO’s recent price increase, you must exercise caution when using your PokéCoins.

priority items for beginners

  • Nintendo Storage (200)
  • Goods Bag (200)
  • (3) Remote Raid Passes with a Remote Raid Pass of 100 (300)
  • Super Incubator/Egg Incubator (150) (200)

Reminder: Unless it’s the 1 PokéCoin offer, stay away from buying crates, bundles, and packs with your PokéCoins. They frequently cost too much and contain things you can get for nothing, such berries and Pokéballs.

PokéCoins should only be used on Pokémon Storage and Item Bag if you are struggling to get any. It gets difficult to manage your Pokémon because Niantic keeps adding new Pokémon and special/limited edition Pokémon to the game. Item space quickly runs out, especially if you use PokéStops frequently, accept gifts from friends, and use your research task rewards. The next two choices are more opulent add-ons: Remote Raid Passes for participating in raids remotely and Egg Incubators for hatching several eggs at once.

Disputes in Pokémon GO

You’ll engage in combat with NPCs, in raids, and against other trainers in addition to capturing wild Pokémon. Depending on the type of material you’re aiming for, your Pokémon teams will change. In essence, some Pokémon are more effective in PvE content than PvP, and vice versa. In order to ultimately prevail in battle, you’ll need to increase your Pokémon’s CP, evolve them, and build up their moveset.

Each Pokémon comes equipped with two different attacks: rapid and charged. By tapping on the screen, you can launch quick assaults that produce energy for your charged attacks. When you have enough energy, you must press a button to launch charged strikes. Pokémon can have up to three charged moves at once, totaling more than one charge, although doing so demands a significant expenditure (a ton of stardust). Some rapid moves are more effective at creating energy than others, while some charged strikes cost less to fill up than others (but have lower power) (which also trades for less power). Tip: Rerolling your moves with TMs to build a moveset with synergy is preferable to investing resources to unlock a second charged attack.

Regarding raids

When an egg hatches at a gym, raiding occurs. To challenge a raid, you need raid passes, either normal or remote. The varieties of common raids are regular, uncommon, mega-rare, and legendary, and each type of raid produces a higher tier boss. Tier 1 spawns appear in common raids, tier 2 in rare raids, etc. The raid boss becomes increasingly difficult as the tier increases and can need a lot of help from your Pokémon team and other nearby trainers.

Shadow Pokémon and Team Rocket

As you gain experience fighting NPCs, you can run into Team Rocket balloons or at your neighborhood PokéStop. You fight against Shadow Pokémon, who are stronger variations of regular Pokémon, in Team Rocket engagements, which are a little different from typical NPC combat.

You’ll compete against Giovanni, Team Rocket leaders, and Grunts (if you have a Super Rocket Radar and met the conditions). If you win these battles and manage to capture a Shadow Pokémon, you will receive one. Use your Nanab berries to assist slow down any excessive movement from the Shadow Pokémon if you notice it being too rowdy while you’re launching the Pokéball!

Gibson Mathis

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